OECD korraldab 11. mail webinari teemal "Global Competency for an Inclusive World", et arutada kompetentside üle, mida on noortel vaja edukaks koostööks inimestega erisugustest valdkondadest, kultuuridest ja väärtussüsteemidest.
Globalisation brings innovation, new experiences and higher living standards, but it equally contributes to economic inequity and social division. That’s why this generation requires new capacities. Young people need to collaborate with people from different disciplines, cultures and value systems, in a way that solves complex problems and creates economic and social capital. They need to bring judgement and action to difficult situations in which people’s beliefs and standards are at odds.
For some years, educators have been discussing how best to build these capacities. Is there a distinctive competence that equips young people for the culturally diverse and digitally-connected communities in which they work and socialise? And can students learn to mobilise knowledge, skills, values and attitudes, in order to act creatively, collaboratively and ethically?
These issues are now at the heart of international education discussion. In this webinar, Andreas Schleicher will set out the OECD’s perspective – explaining the key elements from the framework for defining, assessing and reporting global competence as part of PISA 2018. Please join us.
When: May 11, 2016 at 17h Paris time.
Where: The convenience of your own computer.
To register for the online webinar, go to: http://bit.ly/1q8rmEO
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